Blast Motion Packages and Advanced Metrics Arrive for Titans Players in 2020-21

by Jim Stewart

One of the more exciting developments for the Titans Baseball Club is the arrival of Blast Motion packages from the USA.  Each Titans player  in our program will receive their own package that contains a bat mount, swing analyzer, and charging pad to keep. Due to the technological acumen of our coaching staff and management, the Titans Baseball Club is embracing the advanced metrics that Blast Motion provides as a College recruiting tool for our players.  More importantly, Blast Motion will be used as a measuring device to improve Titans hitters. 

18U Coach Jeremy Uylenbroek explained, Blast Motion is a step forward for the Titans as they accept the challenges of playing in the CPBL next season:  “The device offers a wealth of information for the players and coaching staff to filter through and assess. It breaks down into individual swings and averages out many of the stats as well. This tool can be used as little and as much as you want--from the basics of information to the most intricate of breakdowns in and of the players’ swings.” Coach Ulylenbroek also noted that Blast Motion can be used away from the True North Fieldhouse:  “Blast Motion can help players to get in work at home and also be held accountable through the sharing of information throughout the team and coaching staff. Especially now given today's societal concerns, players will be more enabled to connect safely with teammates and coaches through the various tracking methods Blast Motion offers.”  Another feature favoured by Coach Uylenbroek is Blast Motion creates friendly competition among Titans teammates:   “Through the "leaderboard" tab in Blast Motion, Titans players can now compete with each other in a different way. Players can use Blast Motion to push each other and motivate through its swing tracking and leaderboard settings to compete with each other in ways they could not without it. As a coach, I will also be able to now give feedback and communicate better with players while away from the park and facility. I will also be able to gather information from Blast Motion that will better equip me to use my roster in a way that's more educated and informed.” Uylenbroek also stressed the importance of tracking “plane efficiency''; as a result, our players will become more adept to understanding their swings and their bodies and how it all relates. Information is power.” 

Other features of Blast Motion include real-time swing quality assessment. Director of Baseball Operations Lawrence Vera offered these insights based on his discussions with the manufacturer: "The Blast Swing Analyzer and mobile app automatically capture and analyze every hit for swing quality (plane, connection, rotation).” The gadget fits on the end of a player's bat and helps "visualize a player's swing with the 3D Swing Tracer, Ball Flight"." Blast Baseball also uses Blast Smart Video Capture to intelligently record and clip swings into a series of quick review highlights." Another feature included is Blast IQ which "assesses each player’s swing and provides actionable improvement insights, drills, and training tips to help the Titans improve their swings."

Since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the Titans will be following the lead of top-ranked MLB and US College and HS teams that have integrated Blast Motion into their successful baseball programs. Blast Motion’s association with top baseball teams is impressive:

  • The majority of the MLB Teams use the full Blast solution; 

  • Used by every MLB team that made the playoffs in 2019;

  • The last 3 World Series winners used Blast;

  • Over 600 college programs and over 5,000 high school, travel team, and academy customers use Blast;

  • Blast customers took around 47 Million swings in 2019 and this number is expected to more than double in 2020.

The Titans will be using the data generated by Blast Motion in communications with College and University coaches as part of their recruiting process.  Blast Motion’s data—alongside pitching data secured from Rapsodo-- will provide prospective US and Canadian college coaches with comparable advanced metrics along with other pertinent data such as SAT and GPA to best present our student-athletes to representatives of the NCAA, NAIA, NJCAA, and OUA. 

It’s a Brave New World in 2020 baseball and Blast Motion is another reason to join the Titans and use advanced metrics to your recruiting and competitive advantage.